Descargar PDF Dictionary of Physiotherapy, 1e de Stuart Porter PhD BSc(Hons) GradDipPhys FHEA CertMHS PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis
[Download] Dictionary of Physiotherapy, 1e de Stuart Porter PhD BSc(Hons) GradDipPhys FHEA CertMHS Libros Gratis en EPUB
Reseña del editor This easy to follow and portable reference guide is the first International dictionary and glossary specific to physiotherapy. This is a highly illustrated collection of terms, concepts and definitions that student and qualified physiotherapists need to know and will encounter in their study programmes. It has contributions from many of the top names in the field of Physiotherapy. Expanding on simple definitions, Dictionary of Physiotherapy covers important themes and topics with accompanying diagrams, notes and web links.Many themes and topics related to physiotherapy are addressed, making the scope of this book much broader than a traditional dictionary.In-depth entries are provided for musculoskeletal and spinal terms, respiratory terms, neurological terms, psychosocial terms, electrotherapy terms, research terms, and general medical and surgical terms, as well as academic terms.A helpful appendix describes how to write academic essays and assignments.Common medical abbreviations, prefixes, and suffixes are listed for convenient reference.Vibrant illustrations clarify complex concepts and techniques.
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